Elections : émeutes en Guinée – octobre 2010

Fresh vote unrest in Guinea despite warning: witnesses


24 10 2010

CONAKRY — Fresh unrest linked to the delayed presidential poll flared in Guinea on Sunday, witnesses said, despite a warning of zero tolerance from the interim junta leader and appeals for calm.

In the southeastern city of Kissidougou, shops were looted and a number of people injured in clashes between ethnic groups, local residents told AFP.

« Partisans of the Rally of the Guinean People (the party of presidential candidate Alpha Conde) attacked a shopkeeper at the bus station, and completely looted his shop, » a resident told AFP.

« There were scuffles and injuries when they entered the market, four shops were vandalised. The security forces did not do anything, » he said.

Clashes between the ethnic Malinke, who support Conde, and the Fula who back his opponent Cellou Dalein Diallo were corroborated by multiple residents in the city but the government would not confirm the violence.

The run-off presidential vote was due on Sunday, after a first round in June, but was postponed for the second time amid mutual accusations of violence by the rival parties.

There was also fighting between supporters of the two candidates on Friday and Saturday when shops belonging to the Fula were looted or destroyed in Conakry, Kankan and Siguiri, according to witnesses.

The two candidates appealed for calm as transitional leader General Sekouba Konate vowed a zero tolerance approach.

« I will not accept that Guineans feel strangers at home or should be hunted down because of their ethnic, religious or political background, » Konate said in an address on state television late Saturday.

« The unity of the nation will be preserved at any price, » Konate said, reading a statement with armed soldiers standing behind him.

« The state will assume all its responsibilities against all troublemakers, it will be zero tolerance for delinquents and those responsible for criminal acts, » Konate vowed.

Konate took power 10 months ago, tasked with leading the west African nation to its first free election since independence from France 1958. The poor country has few commercial assets apart from bauxite.

At the first round of the presidential vote on June 27, former prime minister Diallo won 43 percent and longtime opposition leader Conde took 18 percent.

Konate said there should be no further delays and he was « in a hurry » to hand over power.

« The one and only task from now on should be the organisation without delay of the elections for which nobody must become an obstacle, » he said.

Since the first round, both sides have charged their opponent’s supporters with inciting violence and disrupting the organisation of the vote, which aims to return the country to civilian rule after 25 years of military regimes, dictatorship and corruption.

Leaders of 38 Francophone countries expressed their concern about the electoral difficulties in a resolution adopted at the end of a two-day summit in Switzerland on Sunday.

The resolution expressed hope that the vote would be held « as soon as possible and in a peaceful climate ».

The United States on Friday urged that the election be held as soon as possible and that « significant violence » would be avoided.

Disturbios tras el aplazamiento indefinido de la segunda vuelta presidencial


CONAKRY, 23 Oct. 2010 –

Las fuerzas de seguridad guineanas han empleado fuego real para dispersar a los manifestantes que han salido a la calle para protestar por el anuncio del aplazamiento definitivo de la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales inicialmente previstas inicialmente para este domingo.

« Las fuerzas de seguridad se han desplegado y han intervenido. Hemos oido noticias de disparos y la gente huyó a sus casas », afirmó un vecino del barrio de Dixinn, en Coakry, en declaraciones a Reuters.

También se registraron enfrentamientos en el mercado de Madina, el epicentro de la vida de la ciudad, y en otras localidades como Kankan o Siguiri. Sin embargo, finalmente a última hora del día la calma reinaba en todos estos puntos.

El presidente de la Comisión Electoral, el general malí Siaka Sangaré, anunció el viernes que era imposible celebrar la votación y ninguno de los dos candidatos se ha quejado por ello. El organismo está dirigido por un malí debido a las dudas sobre la imparcialidad del anterior presidente.

Las tensiones se han exaltado aún más debido a los rumores que comenzaron a circular el viernes de que varios seguidores de uno de los candidatos, Alpha Conde, habían sido envenenados. El rival de Conde es el ex primer ministro Cellou Dalein Diallo.

« Los disturbios estallaron en todas partes cuando se difundió esta noticia », indicó un policía en declaraciones bajo condición de anonimato. Uno de los portavoces de Conde, Moustaphe Naite, afirmó en un primer momento que una persona había muerto y que otras 100 estaban enfermas debido al ácido que había en la bebida repartida en un acto electoral. El policía aseguró que ya se ha abierto una investigación al respecto.

Guinée: 2 morts lors d’affrontements



Au moins deux partisans de Cellou Dalein Diallo, un des deux candidats au 2e tour de la présidentielle prévu dimanche en Guinée, ont été tués mardi par les forces de l’ordre à Conakry, a affirmé le président de l’Observatoire national des droits de l’homme (ONDH).

« Deux corps ont été retrouvés », a déclaré Aliou Barry, président de l’ONDH, interrogé à Conakry depuis Dakar. Interrogée à Conakry, la police a affirmé ne pas être au courant de ces décès. Aliou Barry a également accusé les forces de l’ordre d’être « entrées dans les quartiers pour y violer des femmes » qui n’étaient pas des sympathisantes de Cellou Dalein Diallo.

Quelques instants auparavant un médecin avait indiqué qu’au moins 29 personnes, partisanes de Cellou Dalein Diallo avaient été blessées par balles à Conakry lors d’affrontements avec les forces de l’ordre.

Le parti de Cellou Dalein Diallo avait menacé lundi de paralyser le pays et d’empêcher la tenue du scrutin si le président de la Commission nationale électorale (Céni), Louncény Camara, n’était pas remplacé avant dimanche.


~ par Alain Bertho sur 25 octobre 2010.

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